In Our Name Belgium - Copenhagen Fashion Week

In Our Name Belgium – Copenhaguen Fashion Week

Category: EVENT
Date de l'événement: 05-09.08.2024

IN OUR NAME Belgium goes to Copenhagen Fashion Week (CPHFW) for the second time with four Belgian designers. After a first successful presence in 2023, IN OUR NAME Belgium will present the collections in the centre of Copenhagen on 8 August.

In Our Name Belgium - 2023 © Victor Jones
A joint initiative

In the heart of Copenhagen, four Belgian ready-to-wear brands will have the chance to present their collections during Copenhagen Fashion Week. MAD Brussels, Flanders DC and Wallonie-Bruxelles Design Mode (WBDM) chose the four participating designers after an open call: Borrenberghs, ESUME, YENTSÉ and 11PM. On Thursday 8 August, Fashion Week visitors can meet the Belgian designers and admire their collections at The Roe Studio.

These four profiles perfectly embody the core values of CPHFW with their explosive creativity, innovative research, and commitment to sustainability.

The designers will thus have the chance to present their brand for the first time in Copenhagen, showcase their unique aesthetic to a new audience and make international connections.

The brands


Borrenberghs is a Brussels-based fashion brand committed to sustainable fashion. Founder Tessa Borrenberghs seeks a balance between sustainability, innovation and individuality in her designs. Borrenberghs releases ready-to-wear collections for women, but she also designs custom-made clothing. Greatly committed to social responsibility and circularity, Tessa Borrenberghs creates her clothes based on deadstock from her past collections.


Brussels-based brand ESUME was founded by Clémen- tine Meeus and Anthony Arabi. The brand’s universe is shaped by the different individual and cultural influences of the two designers. Inspired by Spanish culture, sculp- ture and emotional memories, the duo creates sensual and bold pieces for men and women. From a sense of melancholy, ESUME creates streetwear with many pop re- ferences combined with delicate, organic elements.


YENTSÉ was founded in 2021 by Yanze Jin, originally from China, after graduating from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. YENTSÉ sells luxury women’s and men’s clothing and leather accessories. Although the brand is based in Antwerp, Yanze finds a lot of inspiration in Eastern culture. The YENTSÉ silhouette brings both cultures together in a unique way that is independent of time and place. The flowing lines and organic shapes of the East meet the structure of the West in the designs.


Pieterjan Van Biesen and Marie-Charlotte Vermeulen are the founders of the brand 11PM. The duo designs Tailored Streetwear. 11PM combines clean lines and attention to detail typical of tailored clothing, combined with the comfort and urban influences typical of streetwear. The collections are characterised by clear fits and silhouettes, a fusion of formal and casual elements and garments made in the traditional way by specialised tailors.

In Our Name Belgium - CIFF 2023 © Victor Jones
IN OUR NAME Belgium aims to support and strengthen the presence of Belgian fashion on the international stage. This initiative by MAD Brussels, Flanders DC and WBDM aims to encourage emerging and established Belgian designers who focus on quality, sustainability and innovation to penetrate new markets. The aim is to promote Belgian fashion with a strong, common voice.
Practical info

Thursday 8 August 2024, from 9am to 4pm

The Roe Studio
Møntergade 3, 1116 Copenhagen 


Promoting Creative Minds

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