Fashion Programme 2022

Fashion Programme 2022

Category: EVENT
Date de l'événement: 01.01-30.11.2022
© Kidnap Your Designer

Each year, the Fashion Programme offers Belgian fashion brands an annual grant to develop a project on the international scene or support to work with experts.

In 2022, more brands than the previous years will benefit from WBDM’s support.

The selected brands stand out for their originality and professionalism and demonstrate the potential to break into the international scene. They contribute to the international influence of Belgian fashion.

A project grant is allocated to four fashion companies for their international development. This support is intended to consolidate an export project that is already under development.

  1. Bonjour Maurice with 35.000€
  2. 1971 with 20.000€
  3. Bertelles with 10.000€
  4. Kinamania with 10.000€

Personalized support with a professional coach allowing will be given to six designers to perfect their international development strategy (image, positioning, communication, collection plan, search for partners, etc.), granted through coaching grants.

  1. Bertelles
  2. Kinamania
  3. Marie Catherine Le Hodey
  4. Valérie Bourgoin
  5. Enora Antoine
  6. My Bob

The selection took place at the autumn 2021 before an international jury composed of:

More information

The 2023 call for applications will be published during summer 2022.

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