Belgium is Design / Milan Design Week 2017 / Fuorisalone
Belgitude - Milan design week 2017 ©Marek Swoboda

Belgium is Design
Milan Design Week 2017

Date de publication:
©Marek Swoboda

For its participation at the Milan Design Week 2016, Belgium is Design joins again DAMn ° Magazine and Mosca Partners to organize an exhibition entitled “Belgitude – 10 creative teams”.

As such, Belgium is Design returns to the spectacular location of the Palazzo Litta where it will contribute to the DAMN magazine and Mosca Partners group project A Matter of Perception.  Here the theme is dedicated to Linking Minds and features a courtyard installation by renowned architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro.

The goal is to create an exhibition that lends insight into the creative process between two or more persons, ideas that grow from scratch through a mix of friendship, mutual trust, experience, as well as lots of amore & umore that results in a wonderful final product.

And the story is enhanced by the work of a photographer: this year is the turn of Laetitia Bica.

More info

An initiative by Belgium is Design
As part of A Matter of Perception – Linking Minds

Promoting Creative Minds